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Nadrisk Vocal Chain

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Nadrisk Vocal Chain

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Upon popular demand for a Live 10 version I managed to make one for everyone that asked for it. 

It's the same thing you hear in the video minus the doubler and minus the extensive knobs in the audio rack that Ableton 11 offers.

The Live 10 version is split into the "Nadrisk Vocal Chain" and the "Nadrisk Vocal Reverb" so you just put them in sequence and you have the Live 11 Nadrisk Vocal Chain.

"You get both versions when you purchase"

All in one solution for mixing vocals using only Ableton Live 11 plugins arranged into a awesome audio rack.

It features a preamp, emulation of a 1176 compressor using the ableton compressor, working De-esser made by using only ableton plugins, Chorus effect that translates well into mono as well as a doubler effect, a wideing effect that keeps the mono signal while wideing it at the same time, custom made vocal reverb that has a built in sidechain so you keep the dry signal while at the same time adding reverb. 

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Nadrisk Vocal Chain

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